Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The things that MATTER

Take a minute to think about the top 5 things in you life right now, do not even think about it just write them down

Now think if you were to die tomorrow, what would be the top 5 things that you would die for?

Not look at your list, and tell me, are the things that you will die for most of the things that you spend your life doing on the day to day basis?

I am not going to lie, for me there are only 3 things that I would die for. And those three things were the top three things that put most of my daily attention into. was it the same three things for you?

Today i learned a new phrase called ENERGY SUCKERS. Energy suckers are people in your life, or things in your life that take up all your energy so that you have no time or energy for the real people and real things in your life. Example, you have a test to study for, but you spent the whole day "kickin" it and shopping at the mall with someone that you normally do not even hang out with, they are an ENERGY SUCKER. You are giving all your time to people and things in your life that DON'T MATTER. We all have energy suckers and we all give in to those energy suckers from time to time, but how often?

I must admit i am enjoying the college life and being a college student so all this may make me sound like a hypocrite but i am not...my energy suckers and yours might be two different things. we as people need to get out of the "noise of today" and do what we want to do for OURSELVES because at the ends of the day no one is going to take care of us except us.

Now back to the ENERGY SUCKERS. who do you surround your self with? Do you associate yourself with people that are like you? Better than you? or Worse than you? or Even striving to be you? You are the company you keep! its ok to hang out with all those types of people I just named? But all of those types of people COLLECTIVELY. You can't just hang out with people that are better than you, because, yes you will strive to be better, but you will have no one looking up to you striving to be like you. You have to know where you have been, to know where you are going. You also cant hang around people that are worse than you doing nothing with their lives because wheres your motivation to do better. There has to be a balance. I must say, I have surrounded my self with some HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL people, and it starts with my mother. Stop and think...who are the ENERGY SUCKERS in your life.

Stay optimistic, keep your head up, and walk around like you the shit, but be humble at the same time...I know who got me here and I only hope to be better than them

06er!!! out!!! #shoutout QUAN FEE hahahaha #Deuces


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